Recently Sold Properties

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  25 Lucas Rise NW Calgary

25 Lucas Rise NW

Calgary, Alberta

This home in Calgary was on the real estate market for 8 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with the Jobbagy Stephen & Associates Real Estate and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  824 21 Avenue NW Calgary

824 21 Avenue NW

Calgary, Alberta

This home in Calgary was on the real estate market for 28 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with the Jobbagy Stephen & Associates Real Estate and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  233 2 Street W Cardston

233 2 Street W

Cardston, Alberta

This home in Cardston was on the real estate market for 12 days and SOLD for asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with the Jobbagy Stephen & Associates Real Estate and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  15 Turner Green SE Medicine Hat

15 Turner Green SE

Medicine Hat, Alberta

This home in Medicine Hat was on the real estate market for 61 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with the Jobbagy Stephen & Associates Real Estate and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  11125 Cityscape Drive NE Calgary

11125 Cityscape Drive NE

Calgary, Alberta

This home in Calgary was on the real estate market for 90 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with the Jobbagy Stephen & Associates Real Estate and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  8, 249 Ross Avenue Cochrane

8, 249 Ross Avenue

Cochrane, Alberta

This home in Cochrane was on the real estate market for 84 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with the Jobbagy Stephen & Associates Real Estate and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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